About Us

What Is CrapDoge Network - a company developing a new-generation solution for digital advertising and a DeFi-focused crypto wallet.

Crap originated in 2020 as a decentralized ad exchange and subsequently expanded into a full protocol for trading of advertising space / time.

The Crap protocol It covers all interactions between publishers, advertisers and end users. It works through micropayments on BSC by utilizing the OUTPACE layer 2 payment channels, and offers DeFi staking of its native CRAP token.

The Crap team also develops an open source platform built on top of the BSC implementation of the protocol.

CRAP is the native utility token that is used for incentivizing validator uptime and ensuring the smooth running of all advertising campaigns on the CrapDOGE platform.

Validators are appointed for each advertising campaign on the platform, and are responsible for processing the micropayments between publishers and advertisers through layer 2 payment channels. The more tokens are staked, the stronger the reliability guarantees of the validator network.


In June 2024, CrapDOGE will launche the company’s staking portal to support the work of the ad exchange. With this option, CRAP holders can receive rewards for staking their tokens. These rewards were initially limited to a portion of the validator fees paid per campaign on the advertising platform.

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